O's meal - quick lunch

For a quick meal of choice for my kiddo who's not feeling the greatst, I served him his favorite lunch - baked sweet potoato 'fries' with PB&J

Mundane yet exciting events

Having a kid really does change one's perspective in life.  What may seem like a mudane, utterly boring and something that you would hardly think to do as a childless couple, surprisingly becomes a regular part of your "to do" things once you have a kid.  Case in point,  a visit to the ZOO.

Zoo is as regular on our to visit list as a grocery store now.  Something that one may find oh so boring is such an exciting thing for me; not because I get to see the 'sleepy' animals yet again, but because how my kiddo's face lights up every time he sees the same animals week after week.  The minute he hears the word "Zoo", his little face lights up and starts wondering when we'll get to go again.  Even when at the Zoo, he keeps asking when we're going to the Zoo!

As much as I dread my visits to these same places over and over, I do look forward to my kiddo's face light up every time even though he sees the same thing probably for the 100th time.

O's meal - Hearty Pasta & a date night

Hubby and I were able to go out without the kiddo for a date after a long time.  Because neither of us had surprisingly been there in years, we chose The Cheesecake Factory as our spot to go.  While the company and ambiance were great, food was nothing to write home about.  It was Bucca Di Beppo style big family portion - it was more about quantity than quality unfortunately and the food downright sucked.

But we did have a nice time just going out and having adult conversations without O interrupting us every few seconds :)  

I prepared a quick and hearty Pasta dish for O's dinner.  It is Garden Delights who grains Pasta which includes a whole serving of vegetables as well along with Brussels sprouts, green & red peppers and Tofu in Pesto/Pasta/Alfredo sauce.  He loved it and gulped it down like there's no tomorrow :)

My love for Argan oil

I used to have really nice long hair - my mom used to make oil at home and give us hair treatments once every few days to keep our hair nice, shiny, healthy and long when we were kids.  All her efforts went down the drain as soon as I became a teenager and started experimenting.  I played with different hair products, colors, styles, you name it.  It was fun at the time but certainly did take a toll on my hair; a lesson I learned much into my 20's but by then, damage had already been done.

So then, I started avoiding products, went back to the basics and gave my hair nice oil treatment it needed once a week.  It helped a bit but I never really did get to feel my real hair again.

I started to hide my hair behind a ton of other products and straightener and even attempted the No Poo experiment but wasn't too thrilled about how nappy my hair felt.  So then, I just gave up for a while and started putting my hair up in a bun or a pony tail.

Through a bit of research, I found out about this little miracle called Argan Oil - Thank you lord for this beautiful little gift because it gave me my hair back in no time.  I started using Argan oil a while ago and that's pretty much the only thing I use now unless I straighten my hair (I have to use heat protect ant serum).

The trick though is to use a very little amount because it can make your hair look greasy or oily if you apply even a bit more than a couple of drops.  When used in right amount, it makes your hair feel silky, shiny and the oil naturally penetrates the hair to moisturize each layer of the hair strand for a long term hair repair.

For what it offers, this product is very inexpensive considering a little goes a very long way.  The best part is this can be used for those dry knees, elbows, hands or even as a moisturizer for your face.  LOVE!!!!

Experimenting with makeup..

I'm not huge on makeup so it's easier for me to play safe.  The only essential items in my makeup bag are a concealer, powder, eyeliner & mascara and a lip gloss.  I will use a blush when I'm going out but rarely ever on daily basis.

I tend to play safe and stick with products that have worked for me as far as makeup is concerned.  I am open to experimenting with skincare products but makeup brands are pretty much set in stone for me.  Clinique and maybelline are the only brands which I use for pretty much all my makeup needs.

I also like to wait around until there's a good deal or at least a free gift with purchase when I'm going to invest in a brand - let's be real, who doesn't like freebies right? even if it's just a few samples.

Anyway, this time around though, I thought of experimenting with my powder since I'm completely out of my clinique Stay-matte sheer powder.  Lancome is offering a pretty attractive free gift bag along with purchase so I bought Lancome Dual Finish versatile Powder (Fragrance free)

I have a pretty normal to combination skin and reacts well to most products so we'll see how this goes :-) I got a pretty cool gift bag along with this purchase.  I chose the nude package option.  

This free gift includes:

  • Définicils High Definition Mascara
  • Bi-facil Double-action Eye Makeup Remover
  • Advanced Skin Corrector 
  • Bienfait Multi-vital SPF 30 Sunscreen High Potency daily moisturizing cream
  • Nude look palatte
  • Nude sensational effects lipcolor in natural beauty.
  • Black signature makeup bag
We'll have to wait and see how these products work but for now, can't wait to experiment :-)

O's meal - Open faced sandwich

It's the weekend!! thank you dear lord for this little break every few days called WEEKEND; I have more reasons to be happy this time around because I'm off the entire week next week! YAHOOOO

Anyhow, here's what I whipped up for the O's lunch - It's a simple, healthy and delicious open faced sandwich with toasted Oatmeal bread, pesto, Mozzarella cheese(fresh), avocados and tomatoes topped with s&p.

The picture is not the greatest because it was taken with my cell - but believe you me, this is a staple in our house and is beyond delicious :)


Last day of work before a good long break!!!

Cannot wait to take some time off for myself, rejuvenate and get some much needed work done.

To do on my list while on vacation:

Mani & Padi

Rest of it can wait ;)

O's meal - Pizza night

I was pleasantly surprised to find these beautiful flowers waiting for me at home when I returned from work.  I love how spontaneous my hubby is - He also left a sweet note in his absence accompanying the beautiful flowers!! I should remember to count my lucky stars instead of complaining once in a while :-)

It was another weekday night where I was short on time and hubby was away again.  I somehow appreciate nights like these because it gives me a chance to whip up something quick for the kiddo and I without worrying about making it a big hearty meal to satisfy the hubs.

We've made this Pizza many a times before so I knew O would love it.  It's again all homemade with fresh and healthy ingredients.

Made the Pizza on wholegrain flat bread.  Toppings include tofu, spinach, red & green peppers along with fresh mozzarella cheese and homemade pizza sauce served with a side of Avocado.

O's meal - Mish Mash

It was another weekend evening; I had just come home from work absolutely starving and too lazy to whip up a dinner for O and I (hubby had dinner plans elsewhere)

I went through everything I had to see what I could make and ended up with a mish mash of a healthy and delicious dinner.

I ended up making basil fried rice (leftovers) with tofu, homemade naan chips with homemade 3peppers spicy hummus along with our usual favorite Kale chips (not pictured) and half of banana just cuz' :-)

The picture is super sloppy and not complete but we were both starving and were ready to attack by this point :-)

Thrill ride

I can safely say that I've pretty much lead a 'safe' life.  I finished high school, work through college, graduated through that, found a job after a bit of struggle, got married  in my mid 20's, had a kid in my 30's, etc.

Life has neither been dull nor exciting - The only exciting thing I had done was to get married with my hubby after dating only for a short time - that wasn't even adventurous enough because we grew up knowing each other; he was well aware of who I was and vise verse, so I knew I would be in good hands ;)

Anyway, getting to the point ;)  My hubby and I are not the ones to be satisfied with routine life so we try to do something different every so often; be it trying new food/restaurant or just finding a new route for a drive.  Hubby has always been bit of an adrenaline junkie so I thought of surprising him with something unusual.  I was thinking of flying lessons but ended up with SKY DIVING!

August 11th, 2012 is the day when my whole perspective on a lot of things in life completely changed - I dared to go Sky diving with the hubby, went through with it, LOVED every second of it and can't wait to go again :)

Going up 11,000 on a dingy 4 seater plane was the most scared I've ever felt in my life.  The plane was small, loud, and old.  For the first time in my life, I found myself genuinely praying - Something inside me just switched the prayer into Meditation mode.  Before I knew it, I was meditating going up 11,000 feet.  At about 8,000 feet, George asked me to turn so he could 'buckle me up' for Tandem jump.   I felt surprisingly calm and ready at that point.  I was no longer afraid and no longer felt I would just close my eyes and get it over with.  I actually started savouring each moment prior to the jump beginning at 8,000 feet.

When the door was popped open at 11,000 feet, the feeling was surreal.  The air felt cold like I've never experienced before.  I felt surprisingly strong and leaped out to put my foot on the ledge before I was even asked.  When George asked me if I'm ready, I kept my eyes wide open and JUMPED before even answering.

The feeling is pretty much indescribable.  George, the guy who was my instructor made it almost a meditative process for me.  He walked me through each step.  He showed me when my hubby jumped after me and when his parachute opened.  He pointed out each cloud that we were passing through.  He pointed out the wind mills, the city skyline, everything to me and told me to breathe and take it all in.  We did some amazing parachute jumps which were thrilling!!!

I don't know what more I can say regarding the whole experience but know for a fact that I'll definitely be open to more adventures :)

O's meal

My kiddo..O is an adventurous eater.  He loves trying new things and rarely ever turns his face the other way when he's offered food (only when he's full).  This allows me to offer him variety of foods - I like to include a healthy, nutritious diet in each meal for the most part. He is allowed EVERYTHING though (except non-vegetarian food).  We don't like to restrict him with anything including salt, sugar, taste of soda, candies, etc.   It turns out, Indian happens to be his FAVORITE cuisine because of the variety of tastes it offers for his palate. He also loves Thai as well as Chinese cuisine.

Anyway, I want to chronicle his meals via this blog if & when possible.

For example, the other night, He was offered a well balanced meal of Tofu & Spinach Curry, Kale & Moong Dal, rice & paratha.


Checking in after a very long time - I had forgotten I even had a blog.  Hope to blog on & off regularly ;)

Current favs..

Reading fashion blogs

Trying my hands at new recipes

Taking pictures

& Listening to Abhi Mujme kahin from Agneepath on repeat mode! I haven't a clue how I got hooked on this song..but it soothes my soul for some reason!