Another attempt to "be back"


I believe this time took the cake.  I've not updated my little space in almost 2-1/2 years and boy, has a lot happened in those past couple of years.

Another high risk pregnancy, another preemie (this time pink), another year of PPD and a little girl who's not a toddler and an absolute menace.  My O is now 7 (and 1/2) and an absolutely amazing little boy - My S is 2 and boy is she handful.  I wouldn't change it for the world though - they're perfect in my eyes and that's all that matters!

Summer is now around the corner and I thought what better way to document my life than via blog.  It's for me to see anyway since no one follows or reads :)).  Also, writing is a form of meditation for me so hopefully, this will help me survive through the summer and hey, who knows! one day, I'll look back at this blog and it'll help me bring back beautiful memories

Let's see how long I last this time around.  

Kachumber - Easiest Side Salad

Kachumber or raw salad is the easiest salad you will ever make - and it's healthy too.  Ingredients can be added/omitted to your liking as long as it's raw.  I usually like to make my raw salad with tomatoes (deseeded), red onion, cucumber, cilantro for garnish and sometimes jalapeño if I want a kick.  It's best serve chilled and right before serving a quick dressing of salt n pepper, cumin powder, a bit of red chilli powder or paprika and juice of lemon is a must.  It's best to add the dressing at the time of serving so that the vegetables don't get watery.  

Meal in pictures: Ragda with Sweet Potato Pattis

Our dinner a few nights ago - Ragda with Sweet potato pattis to give it that healthy touch! It was delicious.