Having a boy vs. girl..RANT.....

I'm one of those very 'rare' women nowadays who's blessed with a boy - I say rare because every single friend that I have is blessed with a girl, if they're pregnant, they're hoping and praying for a girl.

It was different for me - maybe because I had a nephew who is super duper fun, very intelligent, easy going and all that jazz, I always just wished for my first born to be a boy.  Maybe my nephew was an excuse and I just really wanted a traditional family of a boy and a girl..I don't know! whatever the reason maybe, I just knew that I wanted a boy during my pregnancy.

We all know that having a boy or a girl is different (obviously) - it somehow changes the energy, the dynamic of a family.  From personal experience, I do know that boys are much more energetic but definitely not as fussy (easy going).  Girls are relatively less energetic (but still exhausting as any child would be ;) but pretty fussy.  Boys are easy but boring to shop for, whereas girls are harder yet fun (and expensive) because of all those options available ;)

Which brings me to my point - There's nothing more I hate than those "oh, you poor thing you don't have a girl" comments or looks - I LOVE (sarcasm) when people assume that I'm somehow missing out because I don't have a daughter.  I know in reality, they're planning and prodding for their next child of the opposite gender (boy), then why make a fuss about me having this amazing, fun, easy going child who happens to be a boy?

I've been told to my face, that my life is incomplete because I don't have a daughter, and that if I haven't yet, I should plan for another child, specifically a girl.  I've been told that it's nice that I have a little boy, but I'm completely missing out on 'real parenthood' because I am not 'blessed' with a girl.

The only thing I can do is laugh at those people's ignorance.  I'm very much 'tit-for-tat' person and could give them a list of what they're missing out on but, I'm sure they already know ;)

The most important thing in life of parents, parents to be and those who wish to be parents is to have a healthy and happy child - everything else doesn't matter, shouldn't matter and will go down the drain as soon as they grow up and start talking back ;)  Those precious girls that everyone wishes that I had will probably be walking around in daisy dukes in a few years while the parents are standing there helpless. And those boys will start going through puberty sooner than a mom would like and....well, you know what ;)

/Rant OVER/ ;)