Might as well..

This world might as well come to an end with natural calamities - I sometimes feel we might be better off that way than to see the world crumble slowly but surely.  What is happening in this world? People have completely lost it - we have no respect left for a human life.  Everywhere you look, there's major crime being committed and the unfortunate thing is, hardly anything is being done about it.

Human trafficking, homeless children being sold, kidnapping, murder, rapes, shootouts, gangs, killing in the name of religion and peace, you name it, we're immune to it - and surprisingly, it's women and children who suffer the most.

We have been screaming about gun control issues for god knows how long - but the unfortunate events keep taking place, we keep grieving the loss and then jump right back into the routine of things as if nothing happened.  As long as it doesn't hit home, it's not really our problem, right?

I was scared shitless to send my little one to school - and was so relieved to find out that the gates and doors to his school are on a lockdown during school hours.  As long as my little world is safe, I don't need to worry - but is that really the right attitude?

A girl in India's capital is gang raped in a moving bus and then beaten to death, left on the streets to die.  Newspapers went crazy with the headlines for the first couple of days, but now?? things are back to normal - let's wait until the next big crime is being committed.

My heart aches for all the victims and their families.  I feel as though we should as a community d something to put a stop to all this; and then time passes, and I get comfortable in my little bubble again.