
What is vegetarianism? There are gazillions of opinions about vegetarianism and everyone has their own perspective and comfort zone as far as what to eat and what not to eat is concerned.

I'm a huge animal lover and while I did eat everything in the past, don't see myself making the same mistake again - I would certainly look at it from a perspective of being a mother.  It would break my heart in a million pieces to even think about the possibility of my baby being snatched away from me; so just because an animal doesn't talk, does not necessarily mean they don't feel the same emotions.

I had 'discussion' with someone in regards to what one considers Vegetarianism and while I had my point of view, so did the other individual.  According to them, if eating animals is considered wrong, so should eating plants be because technically speaking they're living, breathing things.

I've come a long way in life and while it's important for me to communicate my point of view to someone, I also take it in stride and ensure that I look at the other person's point of view.  What he mentioned definitely intrigued me and I ended up researching on the topic - Am I really doing something wrong by eating plants??

I read up tons and tons of information overnight and was happily relieved to read that I in fact was right! while technically, plants are 'living' and 'breathing' things, they are still that - THINGS since they don't have a central nervous system built in like all mammals do!! above all, common sense needs to be used when differentiating and this article perfectly explains it all.

Why it's OK to eat plants but not Animals!