Happy birthday to me!

I've been feeling all sorts of weird lately!! a lot of feelings & thoughts that are very much unwanted and absolutely unnecessary keep popping up in my head making me feeling super frustrated.

Anyway, Today is my birthday :o) and I'm considering today is a new day and new beginning to more positive ME!!

A good friend once told me that in order go not be too harsh(hard) on  yourself, only look at your own progress from your current 'self' to 'you' last year (along with not ever comparing yourself to anyone) Unfortunately, I feel I haven't improved myself much lately so things certainly need to change!!

Thankfully, it's never too late so I'm making some resolutions on my blog, on the Internet, and for the world to see so that I can stick by them.

1.  Spend no more than 2 hours a day online - check any of the social media sites, either once or day or DEACTIVATE.

2.  Wake up happy - especially with a thought that I will have a good day today or that I will do something good today.

3.  Do at least 1 good deed a week (though it should be per day, but I'm starting off slowly here).

4.  Be more appreciative of all that I have because clearly, I'm very blessed!

5.  Be more optimistic about life and enjoy it more.

6.  Start rigorous workout again.  (I think this is the missing piece to the puzzle - I was super happy and active when I worked out regularly and felt good about myself)

7.  Make an effort to be more kind, gentle, sensitive towards others (especially my husband)

8. LIVE!

9.  Meditate daily - wether I like it or NOT!

10.  Fall in love all over again with myself, my family, my life!