10 questions Tag

1. Your first childhood celebrity crush? 
Hmm.  Don't quite remember but I remember writing a letter to Amir khan which my mom found and got really upset about..lol
2. Favorite ice cream flavor? 
Cookies n' cream without a doubt - I could eat a tub in 1 sitting
3. The best gift you’ve ever received? 
The love of my life, my O!
4. If you could learn any new skill, what would it be? 
Singing  - I feel super envious of those who can sing.
5. Your favorite holiday destination? 
6. The nicest compliment someone’s given you? 
That I am always living in the moment without worrying about future or thinking about past
7. You win the lottery. What’s the first thing you spend on? 
Woww!! What WOULDN'T I spend it on - depending on the amount, I would honestly make a huge donation first to Care for Children
8. The high point of this past weekend? 
Diwali party for sure!
9. Cat person/Dog person? 
Dog since we have one - cats are sneaky and just not trustworthy lol
10. What do you order at Starbucks?
Java chip frap for the most part but Pumpkin spiced Latte during fall