9th month update

So recently, we had Omie's 9 month check up. Everthing's great :)

Omie weighes 21 pounds and is 29 inches long - According to the doctor a lot of what he's been able to do is also 'advanced' for his age :) I perosnally don't think so but it's nice that doctors like you make you feel special.

He's an amazing kiddo, is very laidback, friendly, not very fussy, fun to be with and very easy going.

Couple of funny things happened in the last few days. We still have Omie take naps in a Indian version of a swing (Ghodiyu). He's attached to it and I don't know how to make the transition; so anyway, he's too big for it now but still prefers it. He was taking his afternoon nap yesterday for an hour or so and then I hear a loud *THUD* followed by Omie's crying. I ran to his room to see what happened and see Omie lying on the floor screaming. I know It was scary but once I made sure he was ok (which he was) I cracked up. Could not stop laughing for the life of me; Omie must've been pretty embarrassed because he kept giving me pouty looks. hehe!

8/9 month picture update

Top 3 images are 9th month images and bottom 3 are from 8th month. :)

He looks so unhappy in his indian outfit..haha! I was trying a few outfits on him now that festival season is around the corner; I wanted to make sure everything fit! He's not a happy camper..haha.



Happy 9th month little one!!

3 more months and then into toddler-hood :o) from what I hear, that's when the real *fun* begins!

You are our everything and much much more! The divine qualities we see in your already is getting our hopes really high ;)

I bet you can't wait for our expections to go through the roof and I bet you're just waiting for us to enroll in every single activity/classes available to a child, right :) Thankfully, your parents have gone through an amazing, life transforming experience through AOL so we've learned how to let you be you :)

~~While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about~~

Month 8

Time surely flies when you're having fun.

Month 8 has been the most challenging, rewarding and fun month so far. Omie definitely has learned ways to keep me busy and to keep my attention. A lot of new and exciting things took place during his 8th month.

Biggest challenge and hardest thing for me as a mom was to leave Omie in care of my parents while I went away to a retreat for a few days. I cannot imagine or remember anything that I had tougher time with. He was just fine no doubt and enjoyed himself like no other; it was me who was constantly worried and aching to be with him. Yet at the same time, it was a wonderful opportunity to get away for a few days and rejuvenate myself.

New Developments:

Omi can now clap, say no (by head movement) and walk when supported. He also dances when he's seated to music; Yes, growing up way too fast :( He still talks/babbles a lot and has added quite a few words to his dictionary :) He's learned to take 3 full meals in a day (B, L, D) and is extremely fond of 'table food' much more so over baby food. He seems to prefer veggies over fruit as well. He's been rolling around since he was about six months old; he used to be able to roll only onto his right side and not flip back. Now he can roll both ways and flip back (Yayy for me ;)


- The biggest challenge has been to deal with Omie's 'separation anxiety' he's developed. It's rather strange in a way because it's not your typical SA. He's fine as long as SOMEONE is around him; he doesn't necessarily need his mom or dad to be around to cling on. He just needs assurance that someone is in the same room that he's in. If he cannot see you, then you don't exist! He's also WONDERFUL around strangers - he's not shy or a cry baby when he's around strangers.

- His mobility is also becoming a challenge. Though he's not yet so mobile that he crawls all over the place, he can crawl enough to get something that he wants. He also doesn't want to sit anymore; he wants to be up on his feet all day long - this can be hard on us because it's either listen to his whining or sit there holding him up on his feet ;)

- shorter nap times - now that he's growing up, his nap times during the day are becoming shorter. What used to be 2 hours in the morning 2 in the afternoon and 2 in the evening is now 1-1/2 in the morning 1-2 hours in the afternoon and 15 minutes in the evening. It's great that he sleeps through the night but that means less time for me and myself during the day :)

Overall, things could not be better as far as our bonding and his developments go. He's a great baby to care for and we feel absolutely blessed and fall more and more in love with him each day :) I especially adore the moments when my 2 guys are together and having a great time :)

We are blessed and couldn't have asked for more!

Picture update - 7 months

We're back from our vacation so will update on that front soon..meanwhile, here're a few snaps from Omie's 7 months!

It's Vacay...time!!!

Omi's first REAL vacation - apart from visits to MI & Chicago to see family!! :)

Yayy - We're all very excited to see how this turns out. 7 hours on the road in a car seat!!

Traverse City, HERE WE COME! :)

Happy 4th of July



Yeah!!! Wow is the word that comes to mind when I think about how long it has been since I've updated this blog. Too busy, lazy, procrastinating, no thoughts?? no excuses!

Lots to update on in the last couples of months. Little Omie is not so little anymore; He will be 8 months on July 5th so picture updates coming soon! He's still doing all the things mentioned in the 5 month blog - on top of that, he's been eating solids for good couple of months, sits up on his own, can bottle feed himself, is almost onto finger foods and is a HANDFUL now.

He still wants to put everything in his mouth, but more than that, he wants to grab everything in sight. There's nothing that I have around me that he does not want. This was cute at first, but now not so much ;) It is getting harder and harder to have a conversation over the phone because he wants to talk on the phone too and press all the buttons while at it; toys are not as much fun as humans, or mommy's hair anymore.

Mommy is be all, end all now. I'm not sure if this is beginning of the 'clingy' IE 'separation anxiety' phase or what, but we see it a bit more now than we did in the past. He's thankfully still OK with strangers and goes to everyone; but how long will that last, we don't know! Naps and night times are still wonderful for the most part. Omie takes 2 long and 1 short nap during the day and sleeps from 9 to 6/7 at night with no hassles for the most part.(not to say there are no bad nights).

We've also started lots of activities and we're meeting lots of new people since summer started. Mondays are usually "Mommy & Omie" days, Tuesdays we have swimming lessons, Wednesdays we go to Gymboree and Thursdays we have our library (Summer babies, baby love) classes. Daddy's always off on Fridays so Fridays are "Daddy & Omie" days where mommy can sneak in a break (hopefully) :)

More than anything, this is a really fun age. He understands a lot more, wants to do a lot more and he just wants to eat up the whole world in one giant bite. We definitely see a strong personality developing in this little guy - as of now, he's got mommy's good looks and daddy's wonderful nature :) best of BOTH worlds ;)

5 months

Hi Baby :)

It is April 5th, 2010 which means - Happy 5th month birthday to you! I cannot believe I'm not pregnant anymore, let alone the fact that you're ALREADY here and 5 months old. It felt as though just yesterday I peed on a stick hoping for good news :o)You're 15 pounds and 26 inches long as of now :)

What a little personality you've developed and what a bundle of joy you are my little guy. Your smile is so big it lights up ANYONE's day. Your cute dimples, the twinkle in your eyes and your innocence makes me want you squeeze you between 2 pieces of bread and eat you up :)

What a journey - You've made a total roller coaster ride for us. You've brought so much joy, love, patience, fun and just about everything else in life you bring out the best in your Daddy and I. Your daddy is as happy as a little kid in a candy store when he's around you; he asks me a million times if he can eat you up. He loves your 'baby smell'. He loves all your nautankis and your gestures as do I.

You love putting everything in your mouth at this point - you're obsessed with balloons which is why your daddy brings a new one almost every week. You are getting stronger by the day and can now sit up just fine with support, in fact you prefer to sit in lap with mommy's tummy as support rather than laying down.

Speaking of which, it is getting harder and harder to put you down and keep you in one place because you've decided to jump and move around on your back with the support of your legs. YIKES - fun times just around the corner ;)

You're still talking up a storm and have been enjoying this beautiful weather for a while now; You seem to be a social butterfly just like your parents because you love the company of different people and parties :)

Things could not be better and we're awaiting many more fun times with you cookie!! We love you so much and again here's wishing you the best 5th month any baby could ever have :)


Mommy & Daddy

Being a vegeterian

Z and I are both Vegetarians and plan to raise Omi the same way. I used to love my meat and chicken and eggs and whatever non-veg food came my way; that was all until I came across a video called "Meet your Meat" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIjanhKqVC4)

This of course changed EVERYTHING. I had no idea I was such an ignorant fool and instantly became a total Vegan. Anywho, long story short, I came across this bit of information and needless to say, feed extremely proud to be a Vegetarian :)

If everyone went vegetarian just for one day, the U.S. would save:

● 100 billion gallons of water, enough to supply all the homes in New England for almost 4 months;

● 1.5 billion pounds of crops otherwise fed to livestock, enough to feed the state of New Mexico for more than a year;

● 70 million gallons of gas -- enough to fuel all the cars of Canada and Mexico combined with plenty to spare;

● 3 million acres of land, an area more than twice the size of Delaware;

● 33 tons of antibiotics.

If everyone went vegetarian just for one day, the U.S. would prevent:

● Greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to 1.2 million tons of CO2, as much as produced by all of France;

● 3 million tons of soil erosion and $70 million in resulting economic damages;

● 4.5 million tons of animal excrement;

● Almost 7 tons of ammonia emissions, a major air pollutant.

My favorite statistic is this: According to Environmental Defense, if every American skipped one meal of chicken per week and substituted vegetarian foods instead, the carbon dioxide savings would be the same as taking more than half a million cars off of U.S. roads. See how easy it is to make an impact?


Quite often, or rather I should say anytime someone finds out about the fact that I have a li'l one at home, all 3 or one of these 3 questions are almost always asked: (1) Is it hard? (2) Does he sleep through the night (3) Do you work? - More often than not, these questions are out of curiosity rather than concern and if they come from individuals with no children, it's almost always to ensure that the decision to wait or to not have children is the 'right' decision.

To answer the 3 questions first, yes, it's hard - it's probably the TOUGHEST 'job' I've had til' date. Yet at the same time, it has been the most satisfying and rewarding 'job'. I say 'job' because it is now considered a 'job' to raise children - it's not something that comes naturally anymore - there's planning, rescheduling, etc. that takes place in order to fit this little soul into the modern life style. It's not tough in lifting boxes sort of way, but it's tough because no 2 days are the same anymore - even if you have a couple of hours to yourself while the little one naps, most mothers would rather stare at their little bundle of joy for those 2 hours rather than devoting that time to themselves. It's never about YOU anymore - it's all about making your LO happy. If you're out shopping, it's the baby's department that naturally comes to your mind first. The baby requires your constant love and attention, come what may. You maybe sick as a dog but when that baby is hungry, your rest and medication can take the backseat. It's tough not because the baby's making it tough, but because you want to give him your last ounce of energy :)

Does he sleep through the night? This is also a tough one to answer. Just like us adults, babies too have their good days and their bad days. First three months of a baby's life are considered 4th trimester of pregnancy because technically, a baby's not yet ready to face the world/come out at nine months. Babies don't know the difference between day and night neither do they know that food doesn't come automatically through the cord anymore - they need to make an effort to breathe and to eat - It is a lot of work for tiny little soul so to answer this question, NO, for at least first 6 weeks, no baby will ever sleep through the night - once they start getting an idea, they will start creating their own routine and schedule and will eventually sleep through the night - even then, they will wake up once in a while because of a bad dream or diaper change or because they're hungry all of a sudden, just as humans wake up sometimes in the middle of the night for a potty break or a nightmare or for a midnight snack.

Do you work? I almost always cringe when I am asked this question because the society has created such a 'norm' for us humans to have a career and to work. If you don't work because of layoff, economy, etc., you automatically get sympathetic looks and If you don't by choice, you're automatically considered lazy, or living the luxurious life or not educated enough. Anytime I am asked this question, I'm propelled to answer with an explanation as to why I don't work and that I used to work.

Another question that I'm asked often is my routine as a SAHM. "How do you pass the time?" or "Don't you get bored?" or "Isn't it overwhelming?" or my personal favorite, well, "Do you still have hobby?"

As mentioned earlier, no 2 days are ever the same for me or if I may, for any SAHM. The reason we chose to stay at home is to take care of the little one that we brought into this world rather than paying someone else to do it. Passing the time, if I had any free time, this question would definitely make me wonder too. First few months, there's absolutely no free time to 'pass' because if the LO is not pooping then he's feeding, if not feeding then crying, if not crying then I'm pretty sure doing something to hold your attention long enough until he poops again.

Do I get bored? of course I do. Then I also got bored of working and remember the days when I used to wait until 5 pm to run out the door because I was SO BORED at work; the only difference now is, if I do get bored, I can always look at my LO and the boredom vanishes :).

Is it overwhelming? HELL YA!! Try caring for a baby for a day and you'll get your answer. Is it overwhelming all day everyday? absolutely not but yes, there're moments/days when you just want to step out and scream your lungs out :)

Do I still have a hobby? LOL - My personal favorite and no matter how many times I hear it, I always get caught off guard. Yes, I still have not A hobby but hobbies. Having a baby does not make me an animal that only needs to eat and feed the baby, this blog was created because writing is a hobby for me. I still read whenever I can, even it's one page, few lines or back of shampoo bottles. Hubby and I still go out with friends and have a fun time, in fact, I think we make more efforts to go out and socialize now than we ever have, or I should say, I ever have. I still cook which I enjoy, I still go out for walks but with my little one now.

I would obviously love to do a lot more in life as I'm sure any individual would regardless of the fact that they're a parent or not, but it's me who's holding myself back and not the fact that I have a baby :)

Spring is in the air...

So...thank you Spring for finally (almost) arriving!!

The weather could not be better - It's beautiful, sunny, misty, foggy in the mornings, tea and bhajiya kind of weather and mood is improving too!!!

Lots of birthday parties to attend this month; which means screwed up night schedule for Mr. O, but that's OK. Socializing comes first and foremost..hehe!! We've already attended 2 birthday parties and have 3 more pending. Omi's definitely enjoying the parties and people and seems to be a social bee so far but that doesn't mean he doesn't get overwhelmed. It does get to be a bit much at certain points and he starts letting it all out, but overall, no complaints! we finally get to go out and enjoy the company of adults :o)

I'm so confused about Omi's or any baby's 'growth spurt' cycle. When it occurs, for how long, what's supposed to happen, I'm clueless about all these things. When things get difficult, I just try and go with the flow...that doesn't mean it's easy. There are times Omi will behave and nap and eat on schedule but sometimes, everything goes haywire and he's Mr. Cranky. Thankfully, the latter happens less than often so I'm grateful :o) Thank god for small mercies

Omi's behavior has changed just a bit since he turned 4 months. He was just the easiest baby to care for the first 3 months and still is for the most part. The only thing is, he's discovered this 'inner scream' that didn't exist before. He can scream and whine like never before. He knows what to do to get attention or to get anything he wants for that matter. Thankfully, he seems to be more like his father and doesn't use this weapon unless absolutely necessary. He still is pretty easy to take care of - I just wish those screams would turn into whimpers again ;)

Not much to update on as far as other things are concerned. Life is pretty routine being a SAHM. It's still both frustrating yet rewarding and there're more good days than bad. I wouldn't trade this wonderful opportunity to spend quality time with my little one as I know this period will never ever come back so I try and remember that everyday every time I feel like cribbing.
Our shower handle broke in the guest bathroom at the most perfect time ;) We had a couple of guests staying at our place who were doing an AOL course. They were scheduled to report to the venue at no later than 6 in the morning, so we had some fun filled days. My husband bought the handle but it has yet to be fixed. Let's see how long I can avoid nagging him.


This appeared in one of those 'free' magazine guides that we get daily and thought it was very interesting

Keep your sense of humor handy at all times. It will come in useful when the baby has spat up on your office clothes, the older one has missed the school-bus, the husband wants to know what's for dinner given the refrigerator has run empty and the nanny has taken the day off.

Accept that the child will know that you love her, irrespective of the choices you make. You can choose to stay at home, work from home, go to work part-time or chase that CEO's chair with all your might, the child will sense that he/she is priority.

Don’t let guilt get the better of you. Of course you feel it, we all do. Whether its taking an extra ten minutes to get dressed or spending some time at the gym, a parent's lot is to worry about whether it is at the expense of the child. I don’t think there is a device made yet that can drain parents of guilt. But buying the child another toy will not resolve it.

Give your child the best of you. Understand the best aspects of your personality and spend the time and effort to pass them on to your child. If you are a voracious reader, read comics and simple stories to him. If you could have been a leading artist (or better still, are), splash about colors with the child.

Set limits. It's surprising how early they start to understand the difference between what is acceptable or and not. Prevent them from growing into obnoxious adults. For the worlds sake.

Set examples. If you cannot practice it yourself, forget about teaching it to the child. It is a little difficult to deny junior an extra chocolate when you have trouble not buying a new designer watch for no special reason.

Set them free. It does not matter how fabulous you are. Your child still needs the freedom to become his or her own person. The road to parenting is fraught with challenges for control freaks.

Realize that your time together is limited. Empty-nesters are always left wondering where the time went. Try not to spend too much of it fighting and arguing.

Have fun with them. Once in a while, stripped of responsibility, look at your children as people and be amazed at what fantastic, interesting people they are.

Love them with all your might. Nobody said it was going to be easy but if there is one investment worth nurturing in life, this is it.

10 reasons why being a mom is a tougher job than sitting in a cubicle.

I read a similar list somewhere relating to something else and thought of putting my own twist to it ;)

1. I put a night out for every single day for the first three months of joining.
2. My boss regularly screams at me, sometimes for hours on end.
3. The clock does not stop ticking at 5:30 pm. Or 8:30 pm. Or 11:30 pm.
4. I have to clean the shit my boss makes.
5. My rest-room breaks have to be pre-approved by my boss.
6. I can eat only when my boss has finished eating and has gone off to take a nap.
7. While my boss naps, I need to do more work
8. No weekends.
9. I need to take my boss with me on my vacation.
10. I signed a life-time contract that the smartest-ass lawyer in the world can't get me out of