Spring is in the air...

So...thank you Spring for finally (almost) arriving!!

The weather could not be better - It's beautiful, sunny, misty, foggy in the mornings, tea and bhajiya kind of weather and mood is improving too!!!

Lots of birthday parties to attend this month; which means screwed up night schedule for Mr. O, but that's OK. Socializing comes first and foremost..hehe!! We've already attended 2 birthday parties and have 3 more pending. Omi's definitely enjoying the parties and people and seems to be a social bee so far but that doesn't mean he doesn't get overwhelmed. It does get to be a bit much at certain points and he starts letting it all out, but overall, no complaints! we finally get to go out and enjoy the company of adults :o)

I'm so confused about Omi's or any baby's 'growth spurt' cycle. When it occurs, for how long, what's supposed to happen, I'm clueless about all these things. When things get difficult, I just try and go with the flow...that doesn't mean it's easy. There are times Omi will behave and nap and eat on schedule but sometimes, everything goes haywire and he's Mr. Cranky. Thankfully, the latter happens less than often so I'm grateful :o) Thank god for small mercies

Omi's behavior has changed just a bit since he turned 4 months. He was just the easiest baby to care for the first 3 months and still is for the most part. The only thing is, he's discovered this 'inner scream' that didn't exist before. He can scream and whine like never before. He knows what to do to get attention or to get anything he wants for that matter. Thankfully, he seems to be more like his father and doesn't use this weapon unless absolutely necessary. He still is pretty easy to take care of - I just wish those screams would turn into whimpers again ;)

Not much to update on as far as other things are concerned. Life is pretty routine being a SAHM. It's still both frustrating yet rewarding and there're more good days than bad. I wouldn't trade this wonderful opportunity to spend quality time with my little one as I know this period will never ever come back so I try and remember that everyday every time I feel like cribbing.
Our shower handle broke in the guest bathroom at the most perfect time ;) We had a couple of guests staying at our place who were doing an AOL course. They were scheduled to report to the venue at no later than 6 in the morning, so we had some fun filled days. My husband bought the handle but it has yet to be fixed. Let's see how long I can avoid nagging him.