Friday musings - Motherhood

Motherhood is an indescribable, unreal and just overall a very satisfying and fulfilling experience - I don't think anything can quite compare.  I could never imagine myself as a mother but now that I am, I don't know what I would've been doing if not for my kiddo.  While our children will inevitably grow up and may never want to see us again (hopefully not) but it's amazing while it lasts and I would do it all over again in a heartbeat if I could.

Here's why: My 3 year old and I were having a conversation this morning and he was just melting my heart with his little stories told with a naturally, I told him, 'baby, you're my HEART'.  To that he instantly replied, 'Mommy, you're my OVAL' - 


Speaking of which, here are some Friday funnies to start the weekend with a bang!!! TGIF