Today being MLK day, kiddo and I are both home and chilling..literally as it's super cold and snowing out. O woke up late had a hearty breakfast of Raab. We therefore, decided to have a nice & light lunch at home not too long ago.

Kiddo helped me make a healthy and beautiful lunch for him - he was craving it since we had made it for the hubby's lunchbox - a Qdoba style 'Naked salad' so to speak. We chopped up 1/2 avocado, tomato, couple tbsp of black beans, heaping serving of cheese (he loves cheese), taco seasoning, s&p - we also crushed the chips in the salad itself. It was a super yummy salad with just the right crunch :)

I helped myself to a light, easy, delicious and beautiful salad of greens, strawberries & blueberries with a sprinkle of homemade dressing (ACV, honey, s&p)
Kiddo helped me make a healthy and beautiful lunch for him - he was craving it since we had made it for the hubby's lunchbox - a Qdoba style 'Naked salad' so to speak. We chopped up 1/2 avocado, tomato, couple tbsp of black beans, heaping serving of cheese (he loves cheese), taco seasoning, s&p - we also crushed the chips in the salad itself. It was a super yummy salad with just the right crunch :)