

My most favorite season has finally arrived.  The first snow fall during winter is exciting, but the excitement quickly fizzles out once there's piles and piles of snow on the ground.  First few days of spring are exciting but then we get antsy about summer and then summer is fun until it gets super hot..you get my point.  

Fall is perfect because it offers just the right amount of chill with perfect sun light and oh so beautiful colors to look at.  There's not much to look forward to except for Halloween and a hot cuppa Pumpkin Spiced Latte from Starbucks ;)

Anyway, My mom gave me this small plant of Holy Basil (Tulsi) when she came to visit me over labor day weekend.  Look at how big and beautiful it's gotten.  The beautiful fragrance of basil is so refreshing in the morning

In other random news, My toddler who's almost 3 years old is turning out to be a typical boy with his ninja moves and constant obession with one superhero after the other.  A while back, it was all about spiderman - then we moved onto Power Rangers.  We might be moving onto Mutant Ninja turtles soon, but I think Power Rangers is still more fun..

For the record, he picked all this up at school during summer - He hardly gets to watch TV at home (even then it's only NICK JR shows)  Hopefully, this phase is over soon and we can resume our lives instead of constantly fighting the battles with invisible 'baus' (enemies)