Small but significant

Kiddo and I went to the playground today just to run around and burn some energy.  He loves the big kid swings now so we always start off with that.  He kept pushing me to swing higher and higher and in the exciment, I kept doing it.  At one point, before I even realized, he got thrown off the swing and landed on the                mulch face down.  My heartbeat stopped for a second because of how dramatic it looked; I thought he would cry and cry but to my surprise, He stood up, cleaned himself up while giggling and asked if he could get on again.  All this while he's got his nose scratched up and a small bleed from his lower lip.  I naturally said NO firmly and wanted to ensure he was OK.  

He gave me a big smile a said, it's ok mommy, it was just an akisent (accident) - I b OK.. (I'll be ok); I'm a big boy..I'm not cared (scared)

This little statement, gave me a whole new perspective on a lot of things in just a spur of the moment!