Learning process..

Having a preschooler means you have to review all your 'lessons' all over again - the schools and world today is super competitive so it is imperative that the kids start learning as much as they can as early as possible.

I have your average kid at home who has the attention span of an ant.  On top it, he's a typical boy so would rather jump from table tops and counters and walk around in action hero outfits and 'fight' all day.  It is very hard for me to get him settled down and get some 'lessons' done.  It is however, important that I do - I've learned over time that it may seem like he's not interested but he's almost always paying attention to everything I'm saying and is pretty quick to pick up words and ideas etc.

Anyway, no matter what, I try to get at least 3 - 5 lessons in a day.  We usually sing songs, learn about days, date & month, do one craft project, work on our numbers and shapes and a bit of flash cards (I have the hardest time with this).

He's pretty good with days of the week - he knows what month we're in and knows his ABCD's.  He's got the colors down so we don't review those anymore.

I try and incorporate some fun activities in our lessons.  He loves all things arty and crafty.  We usually either color, paint or do a cutting and glueing project where he can work on his fine motor skills.  We also play a bit of 'sports' either in or out of the house depending on the weather.  he's mastered the art of throwing a perfect ball and catching.  He also loves playing with play dough and make imaginary shapes.

We also dance and sing and just go crazy especially on those depressing days..Anything and everything that's stimulating to the mind is what we love to do :)