
This month has been eventful month with kiddo's along with couple of other kids' birthday parties, diwali parties, trip to Chicago sickness, etc..

I just got over my 2 weeks sickness when O came home with a pink eye - when he recovered, hubby fell sick again - and It looks like I've picked up kiddo's pink eye as of yesterday..ugh! waiting for this phase to be over and SOON.

It's been the most slowest and laziest week of my life - Never have I ever felt so dull, lethargic, moody, and just blah overall.  I did not feel like going out, talking to anyone, going anywhere, doing anything - I just wanted to lay there on my sofa and have TV on all day and not even watch it. I hardly cooked, cleaned, or did anything else.    I did experiment with one recipe (Pizza - desi style) and it was horrible - I think i'll stick with my tried and tested recipe as this pizza just tasted awful

It was Thanksgiving break for the kiddo so he got to lazy around with me throughout the week - We had a fantastic time with family over Diwali so just felt lonely and depressing upon coming back - We ended up doing absolutely zilch for Thanksgiving - not that we celebrate it anyways, but we ended up watching 4 movies back to back and didn't even mind it ;) We also put up Christmas tree which was fantastic - kiddo loved helping me with it and he admires it every single day.

We are looking forward to life returning to normalcy with O starting school again and me getting back into the routine of things with work, planning, organizing etc.  We plan on watching Life of PI this week so hopefully, I'll be able to write a review on that.

Weather has been super cold so making us feeling even more dull.  We are looking forward to December as obviously Christmas is just around the corner and hubby and I are planning a get away for a few days :-)

I am about to hit my 100th blog post :0) - Small joys in life <3