Spring is in the air..

The weather is gorgeous; well, compared to what we've been getting, It's gorgeous.  The sun is shining, birds are chirping, there's color in everyone's outfits and we need no more than one layer to not feel cold! It's nice to be able to walk around in just a sweater or a light coat and show off some style again.

It also means the days of hibernation are behind us and it's time to start movin' again.  kiddo's activity classes such as soccer, dance and swimming will start off again and I will be a busy mom - am so looking forward to it.

I also started prepping for my spring garden - coriander, basil, tomato and various flower pots are done. I will see what more I can work on.

Today was one of those days that was just *picture perfect* - Hubby was home from his business trip and had no other commitments so it was just family time.  We took kiddo t Chuck E Cheese earlier, then had lunch at our favorite Thai place - then we went and hung out at the mall and came home just in time for kiddo's nap.  We then watched one of my favorites' 'Wizard of Oz' and kiddo loved it - I loved seeing him enjoy the movie so much, ask so many questions and get excited :o) This is how life should be :-)

Looking forward to making the best of this beautiful weather now that it's finally here!!!