Thursday tip: A challenge for myself and anyone who's up for it!

I feel like I just got done spring cleaning, yet my house looks like a bigger mess than before; it's Thanks to a puppy who's refusing to potty train and a 3-1/2 year old tornado whose name starts with O and ends with R.  He's out to absolutely destroy anything that I've just cleaned up.

It's funny because up until he turned 3, he was my biggest helper.  He loved everything nice and neat and loved to clean.  If there was garbage laying anywhere, He would scold me for it and go put it away - he would put away his toys and always kept himself nice and neat(which he still does for the most part), but now, it's a whole different story!! now, he'd rather do nothing but play because everything else will 'take a really wong wong time' or 'bau vaar wagshe' :o)

Any who, I've decided to take up this 21 day organization challenge starting today - which I feel will keep my sanity while getting things done at the same time!! Let's see how far I get ;)