My love for Argan oil

I used to have really nice long hair - my mom used to make oil at home and give us hair treatments once every few days to keep our hair nice, shiny, healthy and long when we were kids.  All her efforts went down the drain as soon as I became a teenager and started experimenting.  I played with different hair products, colors, styles, you name it.  It was fun at the time but certainly did take a toll on my hair; a lesson I learned much into my 20's but by then, damage had already been done.

So then, I started avoiding products, went back to the basics and gave my hair nice oil treatment it needed once a week.  It helped a bit but I never really did get to feel my real hair again.

I started to hide my hair behind a ton of other products and straightener and even attempted the No Poo experiment but wasn't too thrilled about how nappy my hair felt.  So then, I just gave up for a while and started putting my hair up in a bun or a pony tail.

Through a bit of research, I found out about this little miracle called Argan Oil - Thank you lord for this beautiful little gift because it gave me my hair back in no time.  I started using Argan oil a while ago and that's pretty much the only thing I use now unless I straighten my hair (I have to use heat protect ant serum).

The trick though is to use a very little amount because it can make your hair look greasy or oily if you apply even a bit more than a couple of drops.  When used in right amount, it makes your hair feel silky, shiny and the oil naturally penetrates the hair to moisturize each layer of the hair strand for a long term hair repair.

For what it offers, this product is very inexpensive considering a little goes a very long way.  The best part is this can be used for those dry knees, elbows, hands or even as a moisturizer for your face.  LOVE!!!!