O's meal

My kiddo..O is an adventurous eater.  He loves trying new things and rarely ever turns his face the other way when he's offered food (only when he's full).  This allows me to offer him variety of foods - I like to include a healthy, nutritious diet in each meal for the most part. He is allowed EVERYTHING though (except non-vegetarian food).  We don't like to restrict him with anything including salt, sugar, taste of soda, candies, etc.   It turns out, Indian happens to be his FAVORITE cuisine because of the variety of tastes it offers for his palate. He also loves Thai as well as Chinese cuisine.

Anyway, I want to chronicle his meals via this blog if & when possible.

For example, the other night, He was offered a well balanced meal of Tofu & Spinach Curry, Kale & Moong Dal, rice & paratha.