Thrill ride

I can safely say that I've pretty much lead a 'safe' life.  I finished high school, work through college, graduated through that, found a job after a bit of struggle, got married  in my mid 20's, had a kid in my 30's, etc.

Life has neither been dull nor exciting - The only exciting thing I had done was to get married with my hubby after dating only for a short time - that wasn't even adventurous enough because we grew up knowing each other; he was well aware of who I was and vise verse, so I knew I would be in good hands ;)

Anyway, getting to the point ;)  My hubby and I are not the ones to be satisfied with routine life so we try to do something different every so often; be it trying new food/restaurant or just finding a new route for a drive.  Hubby has always been bit of an adrenaline junkie so I thought of surprising him with something unusual.  I was thinking of flying lessons but ended up with SKY DIVING!

August 11th, 2012 is the day when my whole perspective on a lot of things in life completely changed - I dared to go Sky diving with the hubby, went through with it, LOVED every second of it and can't wait to go again :)

Going up 11,000 on a dingy 4 seater plane was the most scared I've ever felt in my life.  The plane was small, loud, and old.  For the first time in my life, I found myself genuinely praying - Something inside me just switched the prayer into Meditation mode.  Before I knew it, I was meditating going up 11,000 feet.  At about 8,000 feet, George asked me to turn so he could 'buckle me up' for Tandem jump.   I felt surprisingly calm and ready at that point.  I was no longer afraid and no longer felt I would just close my eyes and get it over with.  I actually started savouring each moment prior to the jump beginning at 8,000 feet.

When the door was popped open at 11,000 feet, the feeling was surreal.  The air felt cold like I've never experienced before.  I felt surprisingly strong and leaped out to put my foot on the ledge before I was even asked.  When George asked me if I'm ready, I kept my eyes wide open and JUMPED before even answering.

The feeling is pretty much indescribable.  George, the guy who was my instructor made it almost a meditative process for me.  He walked me through each step.  He showed me when my hubby jumped after me and when his parachute opened.  He pointed out each cloud that we were passing through.  He pointed out the wind mills, the city skyline, everything to me and told me to breathe and take it all in.  We did some amazing parachute jumps which were thrilling!!!

I don't know what more I can say regarding the whole experience but know for a fact that I'll definitely be open to more adventures :)